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Bnei Akiva


Bnei Akiva is the world’s largest Religious Zionist youth movement, active all over the world with over 100,000 members. In the UK, Bnei Akiva runs summer and winter camps, weekly activities, Israel Machane (tour), gap year schemes and so much more. Come and find out more!


Each sviva (branch) runs its own weekly activities on a Shabbat afternoon. The thematic content of the weekly meetings are set down by the Educational Department of Bnei Akiva.

Address of Sviva: Woodside Park Synagogue, Woodside Park Road, N12


Times of Activities: Winter = 3:15 – 5.15 / end of Shabbat    Summer = 3:30 - 5:30

Bnei Akiva Medical Form


Please see below the link to the Sviva medical form. even if you filled one out last year please can you re-do for this year. 


Medical form:

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