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Shabbat & Festivals

Shabbat services
Shabbat Pinchas
26 / 27 July
Friday 26 July

7.15pm Mincha, followed by Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv


Shabbat 27 July

9.15am  Shacharit

Please note that the Youth Service has broken up for the summer but will be returning on Shabbat 7 September



Junior Children's Service for pre-school

Nursery, Community Centre

Senior Children's Service for years 1-6

1st floor, Wiseman Linden building

8.40pm   Mincha, followed by seudah

Seudah kindly sponsored by Susan and Richard marking the end of shloshim after the sad passing of Susan's father, Sidney Lightman z"l

9.55pm   Shabbat ends and Maariv begins

Request for Men to join the Leyning Rota 

To enable greater participation from our members, the wardens would like to invite any men who might be interested in leyning. This could perhaps be their Bar Mitzvah Sedra or they could learn a new one?

Alternatively if you know anyone who would be interested, please could you let the wardens know.

Service buddies

We have a service buddy arrangement at Woodside Park to help with following and understanding the Shabbat service.


This will include finding your place in the siddur on arrival in shul and throughout the service, when to stand and why, in fact anything you would like to know about the workings of the service. We will pair you with a buddy who will sit next to you and help you find your way around. This arrangement will be entirely confidential.


If you interested in this, including acting as a buddy, please contact the shul office by telephone: 020 8445 4236 or email

Shul Shabbat Guide
Morals and Ethical Dilemmas
Morals & Ethical Dilemmas

Date: Saturday Mornings

Time: 9.00am - 9.15am

Please join Rabbi Hackenbroch for Morals and Ethical Dilemmas - What is the right thing to do ?

weekly programme
Weekday Services


Weekday Services


- in the Beit Hamidrash unless otherwise stated

7.15am   Friday


8.30am   Sunday

7.00am   Monday

7.15am   Tuesday & Wednesday

7.00am   Thursday  


7.15am   Friday 


Mincha / Maariv- in the Beit Hamidrash unless otherwise stated 

7.30pm   Sunday to Thursday

Daily Burst of Inspiration
for the daily message in memory of our loved ones
with Rabbi Hackenbroch
via Whats App

Which will be posted by 9am Monday to Friday 

To join this Whats App Group please contact the office telephone number 020 8445 4236

Shabbat Children’s Services

10.45 -11.30am

Toddlers' Service - Nursery, Community Centre

Childrens' Service for years 1-6 - first floor WLH

Shabbat @ WPS

Festivals @ WPS

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