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Anita & Ben Bernstein

Care Homes Tea

Annual visit of local Jewish Care Homes 2019

Yesterday the Annual Care Home Tea took place in the Wiseman Linden Hall. Ben & Anita Bernstein have been organising, arranging and physically making tea for residents of Care Homes for over 20 years. Initially as members of the Federation and then latterly as valued members of the Woodside Park Community. Their concern that so often residents of Care Homes rarely have an opportunity to leave their Homes spurred them to organise this initiative.  


It was lovely to welcome home some Woodside Park members such as Muriel Nicklesby who now lives at Clore Manor, Frances Denton now living at Lady Sarah Cohen who was joined at the tea by her husband Bernie. David Shrago together Jocelyne were also welcome guests. We were also delighted to welcome Lillie Sackman of Sydmar Lodge our very own Rabbi Hackenbroch’s Grandma.


A terrific atmosphere was created by the talented Rev Steve Robins and his team of incredible singers, encouraging the guests to sing-a-long and in one case dance with the crew.


It took some persuasion but we are delighted that the Tea has been renamed - The Anita and Ben Bernstein Care Home Tea in recognition of their time and energy and hope it will continue under ‘new management’ for many years to come. A very special team of community volunteers came together to make this year’s tea a wonderful occasion including senior members Betty Marks and Sheila Perez and some of our younger members Elana Rosenblatt and Tom Glickman. 


To mark the occasion Assistant Rabbi Akiva Rosenblatt made a heartfelt presentation to Ben and Anita which included a voucher for them to enjoy High Tea at Sophie’s in Edgware.

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