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Youth Chesed


Isabel was awarded the Jack Petchey

Isabel was awarded the Jack Petchey award for 2019 in recognition of the extra commitment that she has shown in activities with the Brownies at Woodside Park shul.

Isabel is planning exciting activities and sharing her first aid skills with the girls.  She fully participates in all activities and was selected to march in the Cenotaph parade.

For more information about the

5th North Finchley Brownies at WPS 

please click here

Charlotte’s Our Star

18 year old Charlotte from Woodside Park has won this year’s Young Star Award at Norwood’s Annual Star Awards for volunteers. Charlotte has just finished her A Levels at St Margaret’s school in Bushey.


For the past two years, Charlotte has regularly been giving up her free time on a Sunday afternoon and helping out at Unity.  This is a club at the Norwood Kennedy Leigh Centre in Hendon for children and young people with learning and physical disabilities to meet in a fun, sociable environment.   Each week, Charlotte befriends a different member on a 1 to 1 basis and takes them through a variety of activities for the afternoon.


The charity’s second annual volunteer awards was hosted by Israeli Ambassador Daniel Taub and his wife Zehava on Thursday 3 July.


The charity, which supports children and adults with learning disabilities and vulnerable families, relies on over 650 volunteers who help in its services and staff its high street shops. Thousands more raise money for the charity. This year the awards received hundreds of nominations. The Young Star award is only open to volunteers who are under 26. Norwood is seeing a huge increase in young people coming forward to volunteer and the award seeks to recognise their contribution.


Charlotte first attended the Hope Centre in Cricklewood, which supports children with special educational needs, as part of her work experience. Since then she has been a diligent volunteer, joining in with the sessions and helping to produce resources for the children.


Lady Elaine Sacks, who presented Charlotte with the award said: “Charlotte always manages to impress with her willingness to tackle the difficult tasks.”


Speaking after the ceremony Charlotte said: “This is amazing, I've never been so happy! To me it's two and a half hours spent playing with children but for the parents it's two and a half hours they can have for themselves."


Daniel Taub said: "Zehava and I are delighted to be able to host an awards event for Norwood volunteers. We have had the opportunity to spend time with many Norwood service users - indeed some helped us to build our Sukkah - and it is a pleasure to be able to pay tribute to the remarkable people who make Norwood's wonderful work possible. We are also excited to see how the links between Norwood and Israel, whether through Birthright trips, using Israeli educational technologies, or sponsored rides in the Galil, are continuing to deepen."


The five awards recognise the incredible contribution volunteers make to Norwood. Abigail Shaw and Gabriel Salinger, who single-handedly organise Ohr HaYeled, Norwood’s outings group for children from orthodox backgrounds, won the Lady J Star award.


The Star Supporter award was awarded to Paul Tuhrim for his tireless efforts to help enable his friend who uses a wheelchair raise funds for Norwood on the charity’s cycle rides.


Jane Philips, Norwood’s Volunteer Placements Team Manager won the Star Employee award and Daniel Hannam received this year’s special commendation award, who helped lead Norwood’s 2013 Birthright trip to Israel.


Fundraising Star Award went to the YN Property Committee.


Video: Charlotte at Norwood Annual Dinner 2014


Video: David Cameron at the Norwood Annual Dinner 2014

Simon Bakes for Camp

Eleven Year old Simon Raivid held his own bake sale to raise money for Camp Simcha raising over £400. We would like to thank Karen of Munch and Crunch, Tesco of Enfield, and Andrea Passe and her girls for the decorating of the cakes. The community who bought. Thank you for all your help and support.

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