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WIZO + Jewish Women's Week

WIZO Ladies Tikkun Talk


Jewish Women’s Week which takes place yearly each May, has become an established UK wide annual house to house collection, authorised by The Home Office. Over the years it has adapted to meet the demands and changes of modern life but we are still very grateful to all our volunteers who knock on the doors of our generous donors.Today, as we realise a frightening increase across the globe in the levels of violence against women, WIZO offers unique examples of action and achievement throughout its many projects. Jewish Women's Week continues to support these programmes enabling women to achieve the best for themselves and, in turn, lead the way to a better future.

If you would like further information or are interested in volunteering  as a road collector please contact the office at who will put you in touch with the Co-ordinator.

For more information on WIZO and Jewish Womens Week please click here to go to the WIZO website.

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