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Camp Simcha - Touch Points

What is Project TouchPoints?

When a child is seriously ill, Camp Simcha can make the lives of all of their family so much easier and take away some of the stress they face every day. But we can only do this if they know about us and that we are here for allseriously ill children, from across the whole Jewish community. Camp Simcha Touchpoint Ambassadors will support us in ensuring that no Jewish family where there is a seriously ill child, should have to suffer without our practical and emotional support.

The TouchPoints project will achieve this by appointing and training parents to be Camp Simcha TouchPoints Ambassadors within every group, team, club and class that Jewish children belong to, thanks to the generous support of the Maurice Wohl Charitable Foundation. The aim is to have a representative of Camp Simcha in the right place at the right time. Camp Simcha supports the whole Jewish community irrespective of their religious outlook.

Our TouchPoints Ambassadors will be our ‘eyes and ears’ at shuls, schools and nursery classes, cubs, scouts, brownie, guides, JLGB, sports programmes, football teams, parent & baby/toddler groups and youth groups. These are all TouchPoints, and wherever parents are in touch with each other, we’d like to have a TouchPoints Ambassador to make sure no child who needs us slips through the net. 

I’d like to become a Touchpoints ambassador -  what will it involve?

We really won’t ask too much of your time. All we ask is that if you hear of a child with a serious illness, you make sure Camp Simcha knows about it.  You’ll receive training in order to learn more about the range of medical conditions that Camp Simcha supports, the services we provide, and to know how to refer families appropriately. We’ll also make sure you feel comfortable working within the boundaries of privacy and data protection laws.

You won’t need to do any fundraising. Just be there to know if a child needs us.

How do I become a Touchpoints Ambassador?

Please get in touch with so she can find out more about where you live and what groups you have connections with. We want to make sure we’re covering as many Touchpoints as possible in the community. 

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