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Terms and Conditions

Security Pledge

WPS (Woodside Park Synagogue) is committed to respecting your privacy.  In general, you can visit this website without revealing any information about yourself.  We do collect information regarding visits to our website, we analyse this data for trends and statistics to help us provide you with a better service and support.

Privacy Statement

This policy explains what information we gather when you visit the WPS website and explains how that information is used.

Data collected.

It is important for you to appreciate that the WPS website provides some links to other independent sites, both within the United Synagogue and elsewhere. This policy applies only to direct accesses to the Woodside Park Synagogue - URLs starting 

As with the vast majority of websites, the WPS website automatically logs certain information about every request made of it.  This information is used for system administration, for bug tracking, and for producing usage statistics. The logged information may be kept indefinitely.

Relevant subsets of this data may be passed to computer security teams as part of investigations of computer misuse involving this site or other computing equipment within the hosting organisation.  Data may also, on occasion, be passed to the administrators of other computer systems to enable investigation of problems accessing this site or of system misconfigurations.  Otherwise the logged information is not passed to any third party except if required by law.

Summary statistics are extracted from this data and some of these may be made publicly available, but those that are do not include information from which individuals could be identified.

Where forms are provided on this site, the pages containing these forms include information on how data submitted on them will be processed and used.

Logged data

The following data is automatically logged for each request:

  • The name or network address of the computer making the request. Please note that under some (but not all) circumstances it may be possible to infer from this the identity of the person making the request. Note also that the data recorded may be that of a web proxy rather than that of the originating client.

  • The date and time of connection.

  • The HTTP request, which contains the identification of the document requested.

  • The status code of the request (success or failure etc.).

  • The number of data bytes sent in response.

  • The contents of the HTTP Referrer header supplied by the browser.

  • The content of the HTTP User-Agent header supplied by the browser.

  • Logging of additional data may be enabled temporarily from time to time for specific purposes.
    Access to user data

For the purpose of the UK Data Protection Act 1998, the ‘Data Controller’ for the processing of any data collected by this site is WPS, and the point of contact for subject access requests is the Community Manager.  WPS is also Data Controller in respect of any personal data served as content by this site.

Copyright and Disclaimer

All material contained on the WPS website is covered by a disclaimer and protected by UK and international copyright laws.

Access to the website is subject to your agreement to the following:

1) The WPS website is designed for information purposes only

2) Users must not reproduce, download, store in any medium, distribute, transmit or retransmit or manipulate any text except for the purposes of research or private study. Reproduction for any other purpose is not permitted without written permission which must be obtained in advance from: Community Manager, WPS, Woodside Park Road, London, N12 8RZ

Or by email to

3) The constituent bodies of the United Synagogue make no warranties or representations about the accuracy of any information on this website or any other website to which it may be linked. The information contained in these pages is for general information only and the constituent bodies of WPS shall not be liable for the accuracy, quality or completeness of any information contained in this website or for the views expressed in any website to which it may be linked.

4) You are granted access to these pages conditional upon your agreement to indemnify the constituent bodies of WPS and not to hold them liable in any way for the results of any action you may take based on the material contained herein.

5) English law governs all matters between us in relation to this website and all claims or disputes arising out of or in connection with this website shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

Text in this website is copyright © The WPS.

Woodside Park Synagogue (WPS) is a member synagogue of The United Synagogue.

No photographs in this Web site may be reproduced for any purpose without prior permission which must be obtained in writing from the webmaster

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© 2017 by Woodside Park Synagogue.

All rights reserved

Site Designed and Created by GK Productions

Charity Number: 242552

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