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Children & Youth Services

Shabbat Children’s Services

Children’s Services for years 1-6 on the first floor of the Wiseman Linden Building from 10.45am to 11.30am EVERY Shabbat


Toddler's Service for Pre-School, School Nursery and Reception aged children in the Woodside Gan Nursery from 10.45am to 11.30am EVERY Shabbat

CRP Process


When applying to a Jewish school or nursery under the religious authority of the Office of the Chief Rabbi, you will need to have completed a CRP form. A copy must be sent directly to the school or nursery together with relevant supporting documents and the school’s Supplementary Information Form (SIF). Please check the admissions pages of the school you are applying for.


The process has been updated this year in light of the pandemic and all details regarding what is required can be found on the US website FAQ’s and the accompanying information film on Here you will find details about how to collect points from shul attendance and online kabbalat services amongst other available options.

We look forward to welcoming you back to shul!

WPS Youth Services


Services will take place in the first floor of the Community Centre and be from 10am to 12 noon.

Youth Directors Benjy and Jodi

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