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Community & Social

Bridge Tables, Rummikub, Scrabble, Backgammon,Draughts, Chess will be arranged to start at 11am or attendees can join the ‘Chat Group’ as well as
continuing with their conversations

CHAT-A-WAY is being supported by Nicky Stewart in memory of her parents Corrine & Alan Slavin

Please join us at our next social lunch club

Date: Tuesday 20 August

Time: 10.30am - 1.30pm

Venue: Wiseman Linden Hall

followed by a Lunch

Cost: £7.50 Cash

(credit cards not accepted)

RSVP Brenda by Friday 18 August

Tel No: 020 8445 4236 Extension 2

Telling Tales Out of Shul

with Guest speaker
Myra Blond
‘An Entertaining Look
At The Naming of London's Streets’

Tuesday 10th September

Time: 3.30pm

Please Join us on Zoom

Meeting ID: 858 6746

The streets of London have names which can be weird, funny and sometimes downright rude!

The history and culture of our capital city is very much in evidence in those names.

Myra is a retired pharmacist and has been a member of WPS for 59 years. She belongs to a History of London group at Barnet U3A and gave this presentation which she hopes you will now enjoy.

For further details please click here  to email Brenda

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