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Every Friday the Eruv Committee gets an email from the KLBD confirming the Eruv has been inspected by the “Shomrim” and is intact, allowing it to be relied on by the community. Without it, there are rules against carrying objects, including walking sticks or even pushing a pram to the synagogue, or to another home. The Eruv allows basic necessities to be carried and pushed if they are permitted for use on Shabbat or Yom Tov. Please ask Rabbi Hackenbroch if you have questions because the rules are complex.


We pay our Shomrim to make weekly inspections and contractors to prune trees, and mend wires and fences. We also have a small willing group of volunteers who carry out some of this work but in the main, these are costs for which we appreciate donations. If you wish to make a donation, possibly in the name of a loved one or to celebrate a simcha please contact the office. We can also give details of how to make a standing order, of whatever size, to help finance this important communal facility.


If you would like a weekly email notification, this can be set up by your signing on the KLBD website for free via Every week you can check that website and make sure that the Eruv is "live".


We are always looking for extra volunteers to assist in the administration of the Eruv and fundraising. If anyone is interested please contact the office or any of the committee members so that we can develop the Eruv and fund raising plans.


Woodside Park Eruv Committee

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