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20th Finchley Cubs

20th Finchley Scouts has a cubs pack for boys aged between the ages of eight and ten. With a varied programme including camping, hiking, menorah making, knot tying, first aid and compass reading, 20th Finchley Cubs follow the Scout programme, learning new skills and gaining badges in a fun, nurturing environment, run by synagogue members.


We are also lucky to be located near Frith Grange, the campsite for the Barnet Borough Scout District and are able to take full advantage of the facilities it has to offer. Tuesday night is Cubs night. Cubs takes place from 6.15 to 7.45pm.


We also need volunteers to help run our Cub pack. If you are able to help us and even if you can only offer us a few hours a month, we are able to provide you with training. If you are interested in enrolling your son as a Cub, or volunteering: 

please email Woodside Park Cubs


We are also have a scout troop for boys aged 10 plus - if you would be interested in your son attending or helping set it up (full training will be given) then:

please email Woodside Park Scouts

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Photographs from the activities of the Beavers, Chanukah celebrations, Bowling, Mayor Visit, Cubs evening, one of the cub members wins the Barnet Chess Championship, renewal of promise and DIY Badge

Visit to North Finchley Mosque

20th Finchley Scout Pack based at Woodside Park Synagogue, paid a very special educational visit to the North Finchley Mosque recently, to enable them to complete their World Faith Badge, which they have chosen to do on Islam.


The Mosque’s community leaders showed them around the Mosque and answered all the Scouts many questions, so that they could gain a better understanding of the religious festivals, customs and holy places of Islam in order to complete their badge. The Scouts all managed to achieve their badge, and the Scout Leaders are very grateful to the North Finchley Mosque leaders for their hospitality and for facilitating this visit.

Cubs BBQ

Cubs Camps

Cubs sleepovers at the Science Museum, Natural History Museum and HMS Belfast

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