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begins in the evening of Tuesday 11 June 2024 

and ends in the evening of Thursday 13 June 2024

1st Night Shavuot 
Shavuot Dinner & Tikkun Leil

Date: Tuesday 11 June


9pm Mincha followed by Ma'ariv

9.30pm Shavuot dinner

11pm Learning programme studying Ethics of the Fathers

Followed by 2 fascinating talks by Rabbi Hackenbroch

Please book for the dinner by Wednesday 5 June:


£20 Adults 

£15 Under 15's

Shavuot Dinner & Tikkun Leil - Tuesday 11 June 2024 v3.png
Shavuot Dinner & Tikkun Leil
WPS Shavuot Youth BBQ :


Date: Wednesday 12 June 

Time: 12pm

Venue:  At the home of Rabbi and Gila Hackenbroch

Please book by Sunday 9 June:

Youth BBQ
NextGen Ice Cream Party:


All welcome to join Woodside Park NextGen for an afternoon of fun and ice cream!

Date: Wednesday 12 June 

Time: 3.30pm - 5pm

Venue: Please contact the office for the address

Ice Cream Party (Ext) - 12 June Shavuot 2024.png
Icecream party
Reading of Megillat Ruth 
by the Ladies and Girls of the Community

For more information regarding the readers or if you would like to read in future years please contact the office who will put you in contact with the organiser.

followed by the Ladies Tikkun

For more information regarding the speakers or if you would like to give a talk in future years please contact the office who will put you in contact with the organiser.


Date: Thursday 13 June 

Venue: The home of Rabbi and Gila Hackenbroch

Afternoon Schedule: 

Reading of Megillat Ruth : 3.45pm prompt

There will be a 10 minute interval at 4.30pm

Ladies Tikkun : 4.40pm - 6pm


External Ladies Megillat Reading Shavuot 2024 with logo .png
Megillat Ruth and Ladies Tikkun
Whisky & Wisdom


Men's event

For more information regarding the speakers or if you would like to give a talk in future years please contact the office who will put you in contact with the organiser.

Date: Thursday 13 June 

Time: 4.30pm - 5.45pm

followed by refreshments with the ladies at 6pm

Venue: Please contact the office for the address

Whisky & Wisdom - Wednesday 12 June 2024.png
Whiskey and Wisdom
Shavuot Service Times

1st Night

Tuesday 11 June

9pm Mincha followed by Maariv

1st Day Shavuot

Wednesday 12 June

9.15am Shacharit

7.30pm Mincha followed by Maariv

2nd Day Shavuot

Thursday 13 June

9am Shacharit

9.24pm Mincha Followed by a shiur

10.24pm Ma'ariv

Ladies Tikkun Talks

Whisky and Wisdom

Late Night Tikkun

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Site Designed and Created by GK Productions

Charity Number: 242552

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