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Barnet Multi Faith Forum (BMFF)

We are volunteers representing the diverse faith communities and organisations across Barnet

  • We come together to engage in dialogue which aims to promote social cohesion and oppose prejudice, injustice, and bigotry

  • We uphold the right to practice our religion, faith and customs in safe neighbourhoods

  • We advocate to ensure that values of freedom of expression are safeguarded

  • We aim to build bridges of trust and confidence based on greater understanding and knowledge of each other’s faiths, beliefs and customs

  • We ensure that faith communities have a voice in relevant matters affecting issues of faith and belief in the Borough

  • We celebrate cultural diversity and recognise the additional value this brings to the Borough

  • We support social action projects designed to enhance the environment and living conditions of all in the Borough.

  • We recognise that volunteering is the life blood of communities upholding civic responsibility.

  • We celebrate that thousands of different people from diverse backgrounds willingly and freely give of their time and energy.

For more information please go too the BMFF website

Council of Christians and Jews (CCJ)

The Council of Christians and Jews (CCJ) is the leading nationwide forum for Christian-Jewish engagement:

  • celebrating the history and diversity of both communities,

  • facilitating constructive dialogue,

  • enabling meaningful learning experiences; and providing opportunities for transformative change.


This engagement takes place in communities across UK through their branches as well as through their programmes.

There are three tranches to CCJ’s programmatic work: Education, Dialogue and Social Action.
When facilitating Christian-Jewish engagement, CCJ ensures that the following core values remain central:

  • Promoting understanding

  • Valuing difference

  • Demonstrating empathy and respect

  • Challenging prejudices


For more information please go to the CCJ website

On Sunday 22nd December 2019
Woodside Park Synagogue hosted a winter
Multi Faith Evening Celebrating
the Jewish Festival of Chanukah

There was an explanation of the importance, History and Ritual of this Ancient Candle lighting Festival.

Followed by opportunities for Questions & Answers and traditional refreshments

Barnet Multi Faith

Es Rosen BMFF Chair & Interfaith Rep for Woodside Park Shul



interfaith chanukah event at WPS Dec 201

Deputy Mayor Cllr. Lachhya, Theresa Villiers MP,

Es Rosen BMFF Chair, Assistant Rabbi WPS - Rabbi Akiva Rosenblatt,

Estelle Philips (CCJ) and Steven Woolf Chair Woodside Park Synagogue

Interfaith WPS and NF Mosque

Theresa Villiers comments after attending a debate between

Rabbi Hackenbroch of WPS and Imam Qureshi of North Finchley Mosque.

Candles were lit at Woodside Park shul today in memory of those who lost their lives in the horrific attack in Pittsburg last week. This took place at the beginning of an interfaith event to promote mutual understanding and friendship between the Jewish and Muslim communities in Barnet. The speakers were Rabbi Pinchas Hackenbroch from Woodside Park and Imam Hamid Qureshi from the Islamic Association of North London. 

Despite the sad and solemn start this morning, the later discussion left me with a sense of hope and optimism. There was great emphasis on what different faiths have in common, and plans were made for more meetings and activities in the future to bring the Jewish and Muslim communities closer together.

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Charity Number: 242552

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