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20th Finchley Scouts

20th Finchley Scouts runs the scout section for children between ten and fourteen years old. The group takes part in many different activities during the year, enabling the children to gain skills for life whilst having lots of fun. It is ideal for those who want a break from the usual after school routine of homework and digital devices.


Our scout troop (like all others) consists of small groups (usually called patrols) of six to eight young people, one of whom is the patrol leader. The patrol leaders share responsibility with the adult leader for maintaining standards and training within the group. All scouts are encouraged to take part in the decision-making process and regular forums provide the chance for them to help in planning activities.


Outdoor activities feature prominently in the scout troop. We usually go away at least twice a year to camp – where the children get the opportunity to do many different activities for example archery, climbing and fire lighting.


If you would like to join us please email us

The scout group would like to wish everyone a chanukah sameach
20th Finchley Scouts visit Parkour
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scouts visit parkour
20 North finchley scouts
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