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Tisha B'Av

begins in the evening of Monday, 12 August 2024 at 8.29pm

and ends in the evening of Tuesday, 13 August  2024 at 9.14pm

Tisha B'Av 2022

​Wednesday 26 July 

8.45pm Mincha Maariv followed by Eicha followed by Kinnot


8.58pm Fast comes in

Thursday 27th July:

7am Shacharit and explanatory Kinnot

5.30pm Film - The Lost Days. - The Oscar winning documentary recounts the harrowing stories of five Hungarian Jews who endured the horrors of the Holocaust and Hitler's reign

Venue: Wiseman Linden Hall

7.30pm Mincha Maariv

9.49pm Fast Ends

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21 Days of Kindness

​6 - 26 July 2023

In the 3 weeks approaching Tisha B'Av members of the WPS community will offer a daily short inspirational video with a suggested Kindness Challenge.

Don't miss our daily postings on: WPS FacebookYouTubeInstagram & Hackenblog (WhatsApp)

For the community by the community


emailing and/or commenting on the social media posts.


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The United Synagogue Website has articles and videos

relating to Tisha B’Av


The Fast of Av


Experiencing Tisha B’Av at the British Museum – by Rebbetzen Ilana Esptein, of Cockfosters & N Southgate Synagogue


Megillat Eicha


The three weeks, Tisha B’av and the month of Av in general – a slideshow


What is the three weeks


A thought for the three weeks


Videos about the three weeks


The nine days


The Fast of Tammuz

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Site Designed and Created by GK Productions

Charity Number: 242552

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