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Chataway January

CHAT-A-WAY is being supported by Nicky Stewart in memory of her parents Corrine & Alan Slavin

Please join us at our next social lunch club

Date: Tuesday 21 May

Time: 10.30am - 1.30pm

Venue: Wiseman Linden Hall

Stories from Kenwood House

with Guest Speaker

John Cooper

followed by a Lunch

Cost: £7.50 Cash

(credit cards not accepted)

For more information and for catering purposes please let us know if you are able to attend 

RSVP Brenda by Thursday 16 May

Tel No: 020 8445 4236 Extension 2

Chat-A-Way photos
Bridge, Games and Chat morning at CHAT A WAY
A large crowd attended CHAT A WAY's Purim Lunch
Rabbi Yitzi spoke about Purim and entertainment was provided by Moshe Tamir.
Chat-A-Way in the Succah
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