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Cemetery Visits During Ellul


Bushey Cemetery

Please note that no transport to and from Bushey Cemetery will be provided

will be open 03 September from 09.00 - 17.00 

and 10 September 09.00 -17.00

Watham Abbey Cemetery

Please note that no transport to and from Watham Abbey will be provided

will be open 03 September from 09.00 - 17.00 

and 10 September 09.00 -17.00

Willesden Cemetery

will be open 03 September from 09.00 - 16.00 

and 10 September 09.00 -16.00

East Ham Cemetery

will be open 03 September from 09.00 - 15.00 

and 10 September 09.00 -15.00

West Ham Cemetery

will be open on Sundays 03 and 10 September only from 10.00 - 15.00

(At other times by appointment only)

Plashet Cemetery 

will be open on Sundays 03 and 10 September only from 10.00 - 15.00

(At other times by appointment only)

ALL OTHER SUNDAYS, Bushey, Waltham Abbey, East Ham and Willesden Cemeteries will be open as per above timings. All other cemeteries will be closed (including West Ham and Plashet).

Monday to Friday Opening Times

Bushey, East Ham, Waltham Abbey and Willesden Cemeteries are open as follows

Monday - Thursday 09.00 - 17.00 (East Ham 09.00 - 15.00)

Friday (summer) 09.00 - 16.00 (East Ham 09.00 - 13.00)

Sunday 24 September 2023 and eve of Jewish holidays, all cemteries will close at 16.00 (East Ham 13.00)

All other cemeteries are only by appointment Monday - Thursday 

Please call 020 8950 7767 option 1 to arrange a visit

Please note that West Ham and Plashet Cemeteries may be unsupervised during visits.
The United Synagogue cemeteries are maintained to a good standard but due to the nature of the grounds there are inevitable risks namely, slips and trips. By agreeing to visit our cemeteries, the United Synagogue Burial Society consider that you understand and accept these conditions. Please be careful when visiting as paths can be very uneven. When walking around the graves please ensure that you do not hold onto the headstones and ensure you watch your footing. The ground at these cemeteries is very volatile; subsidence can occur at any time. Please take notice of the iron railings and any signage indicating risk.

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