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Hospital Visitation

How to contact the Chaplaincy Team on behalf of patients
at Royal Free Hospital in NW3 and Barnet


To download the information please click here

We are writing to synagogue communities to remind them that the Chaplaincy-Spiritual Care department at the Royal Free Hospital does still respond to direct referrals and specific requests for support.  This is particularly important at present, while visiting by friends and family of patients (except for end-of-life situations/children/patients with a learning disability) remains suspended indefinitely. Nor are chaplains permitted to do bed to bed visits due to infection control, as they would usually.  


So, if a family would like a loved one to be supported, please do let us know, if at the Royal Free hospital, by directly emailing the Royal Free Chaplaincy Department, including both of these email addresses - Head of Chaplaincy:, and Rabbi Natan Asmoucha


If at Barnet or Chase Farm hospitals please send an email to the full-time chaplain at Barnet, Rev Tom Baron, who will direct requests to me, Rabbi Fine, as well emailing the general chaplaincy email, At the moment, I am only able to over support by telephone.


It is also possible to phone the direct line to the Chaplaincy office numbers - for the Royal Free (020 7830 2742), for Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals 020 8216 4355, ext: 64355 - and to speak to either us or one of our colleagues or to leave a voice message. Emailing however is very important as this way there is a clear record that gives the hospital a more accurate picture of their Jewish patients' spiritual and religious needs. 


We will accept referrals either from close family members or the synagogues, but please do ask the patient for their agreement, so that we can comply with data protection. 


We may not have the resources to respond to all requests but this in itself is important in making the hospital trust more aware of the needs of its patients. 


Please forward this letter to whomever you see fit. 


May we see an end to this horrible pandemic, and may Hashem bring a Refuah Sheleima to all who need it and protection from sickness for all our congregations and wider community. May no one suffer alone. 


Rabbi Yisroel Fine

Barnet Chaplaincy Team Office Tel: 020 8216 4355 (direct line with voicemail)

Hospital Tel: 020 3758 2000
Internal extension: 64355 (with voicemail)


Currently availabe for telephone support and consultation via Barnet Chaplaincy team referrals

Rabbi Natan Asmoucha

Royal Free Chaplaincy Team Office Tel: 020 7830 2742 (direct line with voicemail)

Hospital Tel: 020 3758 2000
Internal extension: 33096 (with voicemail)


Regular Days onsite (Royal Free Hospital): Monday, Wednesday, Thursday half day ((subject to rescheduling)

Information if you are
staying or visiting a hospital
Kosher Facilities and Food at Barnet Hospital 

We have been informed that a range of Hermolis meals is now available from the restaurant at the entrance to Barnet Hospital on request, priced at £7. They are stocked in the freezer and can be heated and available in 10 minutes. In addition DD sandwiches are supplied fresh every day. 


The Shabbat room on floor 0 continues to stock a full range of food and needs for Shabbat.

Situated next to the Prayer room it can be accessed with a code which can be obtained from Rabbi Hackenbroch who be contacted by email or via the shul office on 020 8445 4236

Hospital Visitation

If you would like a visit from our Hospital Visitation team please phone Woodside Park Cares  tel: 020 8445 0033 or email:

Learn about the work of Ezra Umarpeh 

Ezra Umarpeh are a wonderful charity that provides a range of targeted support services for patients and their families with a particular emphasis on enhancing the hospital experience and reducing in-patient stays. These include the free loan of medical equipment, Respite rooms in hospitals across England and patient transportion services. To read more about Ezra Umarpeh click the links below to learn more about their excellent work or visit their website

An overview of their work

Ezra Umarpeh: Patient Experience Made Better

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