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jweb – A Resource for Our Time


Learning disabilities in the Jewish Community


Recent research tells us that the lives of one in ten people in the UK are touched by learning disabilities. If you ask the people around you, you would hear about a whole community of people living or working with learning disabilities. Jewish services and professionals are there to support them, but up until now it has been time consuming and difficult to find out what’s going on and to connect with other parents, carers or professionals.


JWeb was created to be a space where parents and carers could find recommendations for things to do or highly rated services and professionals that could make their family’s lives easier. Somewhere to ask questions or share good ideas, or simply to connect with other people who understand.


The website is a vital resource that connects families and carers with news, event listings, services and information. All of the resources come from peer-to-peer recommendations, making it the only place for the Jewish community to come together to share great ideas and ask for advice.


It is a friendly place where website users respond to requests for help – a recent post from a woman asking for advice and recommendations for dental treatment for her adult learning-disabled sister provoked a deluge of information, with many other carers writing in to say that they too benefitted from the advice.


With smart signposting, Jweb brings together all kinds of events and services from across the UK and makes it easy to find interesting and useful activities all-year round, from relaxed theatre performances to sporting events and social groups. There is a noticeboard for passing on information or making a request. People can advertise and look for useful equipment, or simply share good ideas.


Users will find a comprehensive directory of services, fascinating blogs and support targeted at all ages - from the painful first diagnosis of a disability through the months and years ahead. It is a place where people can look for work and employers can offer opportunities that make a huge difference to the self-esteem and personal fulfilment of people with learning disabilities.


To find out more please contact or visit us at There is also a JWeb helpline for anyone who prefers to talk - just call 0300 2225949. We are all about sharing, so please pass us on.

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