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Call Up Priorities

Certain people are entitled to a call-up. However, the first two call ups are a Kohen & Levi respectively. In descending order, the priorities are:


The order of precedence on being called to the reading of the law on a Shabbat morning shall be as follows; namely:-

  1. A bridegroom on the Shabbat prior to his marriage held in or under the auspices of a synagogue which is under the religious authority of or is otherwise approved by the Chief Rabbi;

  2. A boy on becoming Barmitzvah;

  3. A husband on his wife’s giving thanks after childbirth;

  4. The father or nearest male relative of a new born baby girl wishing to name the new born baby girl;

  5. A person (this includes the representative of a female member) on the day of commemoration of a Yahrzeit for a parent or child;

  6. The father of a male child on the Shabbat before the child’s circumcision

  7. A sandik on the day when he so officiates;

  8. A person giving thanks on his recovery from serious illness or escaping danger or returning from a hazardous journey;

  9. The father or nearest male relative of a Barmitzvah boy or Batmitzvah girl.

  10. A person or that person’s representative on the Shabbat preceding the day of commemoration of a Yahrzeit for a parent or a child,

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