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Israeli War Disabled Visit 2018

Date: 4 -12 November 2018

We are proud to announce that once again, families from Woodside Park Synagogue have kindly offered to host a trip to London for 10 disabled soldiers, to help them with their rehabilitation. As always we are organising a full schedule of sightseeing trips and activities for their entire stay.


The benefit of these visits for soldiers and their carers cannot be overstated. We help these individuals to join in, we give them new found confidence to travel and the comfort of knowing there are so many people in the UK who care about them. For some veterans and their carers, these visits can be life changing.


We are very keen to hear from anyone who would be willing to host one of the group, which arrives on November 4 for nine days.The experience is an extremely fulfilling one, both for the visitors and the hosts alike. For more information or to express your interest, please contact Jon Bambaji via the shul office.


To facilitate this trip we need to raise £15,000 to cover the costs whilst over here and so we are currently requesting donations to help this happen.


If you'd like to donate, please send a cheque made payable to "Woodside Park Synagogue” to the Shul Office, marked clearly in an envelope for “Israeli Disabled Soldiers November” and your full name and address on the reverse.


Alternatively, please click here to donate online:


Thank you.

To find out more about what it’s like to host a soldier, click here to read an article published in the JC by one of our former hosts: lifestyle/family/the-soldier- who-won-our-hearts-1.436264

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