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Jewish Helpline

The Jewish Helpline (Miyad) was set up 25 years ago after a young woman with a little boy, living in Hendon, committed suicide. Various people wondered whether she could have been helped if there had been someone for her to turn to. Out of this tragedy, The Jewish Helpline (Miyad) was born.


We are immensely proud of the service we provide to people across the Jewish community who are in crises. We provide a lifeline to those who are feeling lonely, anxious, depressed or suicidal. We are open from 12 noon to 12 midnight every day except Shabbat and Yom Tovim.


If you need a non-judgemental, listening ear, call the Jewish Helpline on freephone: 0800 652 9249

Hours of operation Sunday to Thursday: noon - midnight & Friday afternoon


this line is confidental and manned by fully trained volunteers

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Charity Number: 242552

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