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Magen David Adom

by Reverend Michael Plaskow MBE

I have recently attended a fifth ambulance Dedication at the Netanya ambulance station. All five ambulances have been donated through the Cockfosters and North Southgate Synagogue and friends whose committees must be commended for their wonderful fund-raising efforts. We, who live in Netanya, hear the sirens on a daily basis as they make their way to Laniado Hospital. Sometimes, for example when there was recently a massive gas explosion in the square, one can detect from the urgency of the sirens that there is a serious incident.


We should really be indebted to Magen David Adom, Israel's national rescue organization. On its flag is engraved the Talmudic dictum - "Whoever saves a single soul of as though he has saved the whole world." This well-known saying has determined the central aim of the organization for 80 years, from its founding until today namely the saving of a human life. MDA services include providing first aid and emergency medicine, offering training activities and other professional services to the public at large and the medical system, collecting blood donations and supplying them to hospitals as well as undertaking humanitarian activities for the community.


At the Netanya ambulance station, we were shown some of the latest vehicles which are probably equal to the finest in the world. I felt so proud to see our "Little Israel" in the forefront of these state-of-the-art ambulances and they are capable of negotiating the most difficult mountainous terrain.


About two years ago, I saw the syllabus that my granddaughter had to learn in order to be a paramedic. It really is a very high level in first aid and I felt so proud when she passed all her exams. In conclusion may I respectfully offer the following advice. Next to the various phones you have in your home, write down the emergency numbers for police, ambulance and fire which are respectively, 100, 101 and 102. In London, all we had to know was 999 but I have heard of people becoming very confused when an emergency arises.


To the MDA I say that your driving force commands our respect and admiration as well as our deepest and heartfelt gratitude.

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