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Photos - Online at WPS

Simon Weston
Readers and Speakers at the 
Ladies Megillat Ruth Reading and Ladies Tikkun on Rosh Chodesh

Sunday 12 May

This year for the second time the Ladies' Megillat Ruth and Tikkun was held online via Zoom. 

17 Readers particpated in reading the Megillah, this was followed by 9 talks at the Tikkun. 

We were delighted that 70 women of all ages were able to join us enjoying a wonderful event.

Some of the talks from year

Bereavement During Covid


Poland: A Perspective


Surrogacy: An Experience


Justice - Weak and Vulnerable

02 Readers and Speakers at the Ladies Me
Book Club
Mental Health and Well Being Seminar 

Part 4 - Overcoming Adversity

Rabbi Hackenbroch with Simon Weston

Falklands War hero, Author & Charity Campaigner

04b Rabbi Hackenbroch and Simon Weston O
WPS Cares Tea Party
'WPS Book Club goes Online with Zoom' 

Our popular book club meets monthly.

If you are interested in joining or want further information please contact Estelle on to let her know you will be attending


We had our first ever virtual meeting on Zoom this afternoon. More than half the group managed the technology and participated in the discussion after some teething problems in the beginning.

01 Zoom WPS Book Club 25 June Final 2020
America On Fire
'WPS Cares Tea Parties
Go Online with Zoom' 

Supported by Jewish Care, the Woodside Park Tea Parties have been hugely successful over the year and we are delighted that they will continue to take place on the first Tuesday of every month on Zoom.

For more information

please contact Brenda – 020 8446 2823
email :

01c Final Zoom WPS Tea Party 2020-06-16
Ethics Squad
'America is on Fire' 
"A response from faith leaders"

A Faith Focus on Discrimination:

How we treat each other and

how we wish to be treated ourselves

Date : Monday 08 June

Time : at 8.00pm

Dr Doirean Wilson

Diversity Lead

Middlesex University

Zahrah Awaleh


Royal Free Hospital

Rabbi Pinchas Hackenbroch

Senior Rabbi

Woodside Park Synagogue

Revd Ben Twumasi


The Church, Britain

Chaired by: Hadiya Masieh

Expert in Community Cohesion, Interfaith Relations, Counter Extremism and Women's Involvement in Extremism

America is on Fire - A response by Faith

To View the video of the meeting 

(Girls and Boys are all invited)
Ethics Squad 

Date: 07 June


Zoom screen shot of a Ethics Squad session on the 07 June. We had a panel of six Woodside Park members who are in their first or second year’s at University. They gave insights on different aspects of University life (living arrangements; Jewish scene; social life etc.) and answered questions from a group of students in year 12 for whom I have been doing Ethics Squad for the past 18 months. This was very important for these students as they will not have a chance to visit universities for open days.


This is the third zoom session we have held during lockdown. 


We have had other sessions on:


  • the Jewish response to Covid-19 and how to cope with remote learning and 

  • also an interactive quiz.

About the Ethics Squad

Woodside Park Synagogue Squads is a squad for all year 12 students. Ethics Squad will feature inspirational discussions on current affairs subjects relevant to youth today from a Jewish perspective. Led by Jonathan Cantor, this promises to be a thought provoking and fun series. 

ethics squad missed university open days
Ladies Megillah Ladies Tikkun
Readers and Speakers at the 
Ladies Megillat Ruth Reading and Ladies Tikkun on Rosh Chodesh

Sunday 24 May

This year for the first time the Ladies' Megillat Ruth and Tikkun was held online via Zoom. 

16 Readers particpated in reading the Megillah, this was followed by 8 talks at the Tikkun. 

We were delighted that 70 women of all ages were able to join us enjoying a wonderful event.

Some of the talks from year

Bereavement During Covid


Poland: A Perspective


Surrogacy: An Experience


Justice - Weak and Vulnerable

01 Ladies Megillat Ruth Reading and Ladi
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