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Poems for A Pandemic

One of our members Paul Cainer has set up a website where the aim is to publish

(with your permission) rhymes or poems that are whimsical, witty or inspirational,

or carry a twist or a punchy message.

If you would like to submit a poem please contact

Pesach to Shavuot

By Paul.



Our visitors we saw by zoom

But for one guest there was no room


Corona did not join our seder.

We don’t know why HaShem has made her.


An Exodus from China drove her,

We pray and hope she’ll just pass over.


Yes, we’ve survived plagues worse than this

Please G-d, next time give us a miss.



Those five rabbis sat up all night

Discussing when we'd see the light.

We had by then long crossed the Sea

A slave nation that was set free.


Could there be any tale that’s greater?

We found out forty-nine days later.

When Moses went up, to meet the Creator.

He got two Tablets, not the medical kind,

These heal the body, and the soul and the mind


With them we know just how to find

A pathway through this worldly grind

And deal with fate, whether cruel or kind.





Beating Covid 

By Paul


The virus they call covid

Is really truly horrid

There seems no rhyme and there seems no reason

Why this is covid virus season


But does it kill what we believe in?


No. Let’s fight back, let’s start achieving 

A decent life that's full of meaning.

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